Dear All, Namaste !
Its really sad to inform you that, like in 2015 August, we faced the same trouble of flash flood at our Siddhi Memorial premises damaging a lots of properties. Yesterday at around 2:00 am, all of a sudden the river has swollen up due to the continuous rain and entered into our premises. Our staff members were on full alert and did rescue the elderly living at our home and we were able to keep many costly equipment to the 1st floor of the building keeping them safe. Unfortunately, despite their hard effort, they could not take along some of the most important and valuable stuff to the safer place as the Electricity Department has to put off the light for safety measures and it was not possible to work in darkness.
Thanks be to God that nothing happened to the staff, patients and elderly people resident at the hospital and elderly home. Looking at the damage of furniture and hospital equipment and electric devices, it has roughly been calculated a total loss amounting to about NRs. 12,375,000.- (approximately Euro 96,500.00). This is really huge loss for us and has impacted greatly in the services of the hospital. We hope to get some local support from the local government but at this stage, we are not pretty sure given the damages that the flood has brought to the community at large in the District. We, therefore, look very sincerely towards your kind support so that we would be able to resume our services at the level we have been providing as soon as possible.
Shyam & Siddhi M. Foundation family.